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Valentin Furmanek

Software engineer

About me

I like coding since I was 13. I love learning about new technologies, languages, and many other stuffs.

I admire open source and free software projects. This mindset make tech more inclusive according to me.

I am currently studying at 42 Paris, but if you are interested in working with me, feel free to contact me.

My projects

Votes Data

Votes Data is a POC about a Dataviz interface for French elections.

The goal of this project is to provide meaningful graphs to quickly understand statements about voters behaviors.


Alekol is a Discord bot to automatically add or remove a role whether you are logged at 42 school. It provides commands that use 42 and Discord API, and uses OAuth2 protocol.

This is a group project where we used Github Actions and pull requests features.


ft_irc is a school project where we had to implement an IRC server.

IRC is an old protocol, and the main difficulty was finding resources that were not obsolete.

We tried to follow an optimal workflow, like peer reviewing our code with pull requests, and testing each part of the project.